Seri Infografis Bagian 2: Tren Pasar Kendaraan Listrik di Australia

Halo sobat ITPC Sydney!Tahukah anda bahwa berdasarkan data yang dihimpun dari The Guardians, proporsi penjualan kendaraan listrik baru di Australia pada tahun 2023 mencapai 7.2% dari total penjualan semua kendaraan listrik baru secara nasional. Australian Capital Territory (ACT) dan New South Wales (NSW) memiliki proporsi diatas proporsi nasional (18.3% dan 7.7%). Apa yang menjadi faktor-faktor… Continue reading Seri Infografis Bagian 2: Tren Pasar Kendaraan Listrik di Australia

Company Profile: PT Rattan EDLA Borneo

Hello Australia, PT Rattan EDLA Borneo   Nestled in Amuntai, Kalimantan, PT Rattan EDLA Borneo carries the legacy of generations through their handcrafted rattan, seagrass, and bamboo creations. From woven bags and flower vases to purun rugs, each piece under the EDLA brand is meticulously crafted by local artisans using sustainable materials sourced directly from… Continue reading Company Profile: PT Rattan EDLA Borneo

Company profile: Tasmi Sumber Jaya

PT Tasmi Sumber Jaya delivers high-quality cocoa derivatives, leveraging Indonesia’s rich resources to meet your specific needs and build lasting partnerships. From its humble beginnings in construction and fuel supply under CV. TASMI SUMBER JAYA in 2006, PT Tasmi Sumber Jaya officially rose on December 31, 2010. We shifted our focus to the domestic fuel… Continue reading Company profile: Tasmi Sumber Jaya

Seri Infografis Bagian 1: Tren Pasar Kendaraan Listrik di Australia

Halo sobat ITPC Sydney!Berdasarkan data yang diterbitkan oleh the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industry penjualan electric vehicles di pasar Australia pada tahun 2023 sebesar 87,217 unit naik 161.1 persen dibandingkan pada tahun 2022 sebesar 33,410 unit . Kebutuhan electric vehicles di Australia menunjukkan kenaikan yang tajam , hal ini tentu menjadi peluang bagi produsen kendaraan… Continue reading Seri Infografis Bagian 1: Tren Pasar Kendaraan Listrik di Australia

Company Profile: CV. ANUGRAH KARYA

Hello Australia, We are CV. ANUGRAH KARYA   From humble beginnings in 1993, Mr. Sindhu’s leather shoemaking passion blossomed into CV Anugrah Karya,  a prominent name nurturing Semarang’s local shoe brands. Where imagination walks, we stride. Trends may come and go, but our canvas stretches beyond. Each shoe whispers possibilities, crafted with boundless creativity to… Continue reading Company Profile: CV. ANUGRAH KARYA

Company profile: PT Primera Optima Sejahtera

Hello Australia, We are PT Primera Optima Sejahtera   From the heart of Indonesia, PT Primera Optima Sejahtera delivers the finest fishery, agriculture, and beyond. We scour local communities across this lush archipelago, handpicking premium products for both domestic and international markets. Experience the richness of Indonesia, one flavorful discovery at a time.   For… Continue reading Company profile: PT Primera Optima Sejahtera

Company Profile: Agri Ekspor Indonesia (AKOR)

Hello Australia, we are PT Agri Ekspor Indonesia (AKOR)!   PT Agri Ekspor Indonesia (AKOR) is a company who engaged as export catalyst for Indonesian agricultural products. We commited to always have the courage to step forward with our farmers partners and SMEs partner to reach global market.   We have partnered with 600+ farmers… Continue reading Company Profile: Agri Ekspor Indonesia (AKOR)

Company Profile: Kahid GlobalEx Synergy

Hello Australia, we are Kahid GlobalEx Synergy! Kahid GlobalEx Synergy is an international trading company founded in 2023, based in Indonesia. We emerge as the embodiment of the rich cultural heritage and abundant natural resources in this nation. Our primary focus is to turn local potential into meaningful contributions to the global market.  Our business… Continue reading Company Profile: Kahid GlobalEx Synergy

Jurnal ITPC Sydney Desember 2023 Bagian 2

Halo Sobat ITPC Sydney,Pada bulan Desember 2023, masih banyak kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh ITPC Sydney dalam meningkatkan perdagangan dan promosi ekspor Indonesia, seperti: ITPC Sydney menghadiri pertemuan daring “Sharing Session Industri Gim dan Event IGDX sebagai Sarana Promosi” ITPC Sydney menghadiri pertemuan Koordinasi Tindak Lanjut Penjajakan Imbal Dagang Business to Business  secara daring. ITPC Sydney… Continue reading Jurnal ITPC Sydney Desember 2023 Bagian 2