Jurnal ITPC Sydney Desember 2023 Bagian 1

Halo Sobat ITPC Sydney, Pada bulan Desember 2023, ITPC Sydney menggelar berbagai kegiatan perdagangan dan promosi ekspor. Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut meliputi:  ITPC Sydney menghadiri pertemuan bisnis dengan Ibu Sonam, pemilik dari Love in A Bottle, perusahaan parfum milik diaspora Indonesia. ITPC Sydney menghadiri pertemuan dengan penyelenggara pameran Franchising di Melbourne. ITPC Sydney menghadiri pertemuan daring Kementerian Perdagangan… Continue reading Jurnal ITPC Sydney Desember 2023 Bagian 1

Company Profile: Marceno Mahajaya Abadi

Hello Australia, we are Marceno Mahajaya Abadi   Marceno Mahajaya Abadi is a leading company dedicated to the furniture industry. With years of experience, we bring superior design and quality to every product we offer. From living room furniture to bedroom sets, we present innovations that blend aesthetic beauty with practical functionality. Our expertise extends… Continue reading Company Profile: Marceno Mahajaya Abadi

Selamat Tahun Baru 2024

Halo sobat ITPC Sydney,Perjalanan kita di tahun 2023 kini telah berakhir. Berbagai upaya dan pencapaian yang telah kita lakukan selama 2023 menjadi kenangan dan pembelajaran berharga untuk menyongsong tahun 2024 dengan penuh optimisme. Keluarga besar ITPC Sydney mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru 2024. Semoga tahun yang baru ini menjadi momentum penting bagi kita untuk mengembangkan diri dan… Continue reading Selamat Tahun Baru 2024

Selamat Natal 2023

Natal adalah saatnya untuk berbagi kasih sayang, harapan, dan kedamaian.Keluarga besar ITPC Sydney mengucapkan Selamat Natal 2023 Semoga Natal tahun ini membawa banyak berkat bagi kita semua.


Hello Australia, we are GLOBAL NATURE SWILUGONGGO We are a company that provides Indonesian wooden furniture. Our products are made from high quality wood such as teak, mahogany, sungkai and some products are the combination of wood and rattan. We create unique and ethnic product which is processed by experienced and skilled wood craftsmen, resulting… Continue reading Company Profile: GLOBAL NATURE SWILUGONGGO

Company Profile: Nusantara Agritech (Nusagri)

Nusantara Agritech was established on 1988, is one of the pioneers in exploitation and processing of zeolite minerals in Indonesia for used in Agricultural and Multi Sectors. The Founders are young businessmen come from a new Indonesian Generation which have high education in Engineering and Agricultural Technology.   We have exported our products to over… Continue reading Company Profile: Nusantara Agritech (Nusagri)

Company Profile: Dearoma Indonesia Commodity (DeAroma)

Dearoma Indonesia Commodity will be your trusted partner in exporting excellence from Indonesia. With a relentless commitment to delivering premium products and exceptional service, we take immense pride in being a leading exporter in the global market. We have been at the forefront of the export industry for over a decade, our journey began with… Continue reading Company Profile: Dearoma Indonesia Commodity (DeAroma)

Company Profile: PT. Zhafira Berkah Abadi

Hello Australia, we are PT. Zhafira Berkah Abadi Zhafira Berkah Abadi is a company specializing in the sales of high-quality Cottonii Seaweed for both local and export markets. As an experienced and trusted company, we offer superior products with a focus on quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. We aim to become an industry leader with… Continue reading Company Profile: PT. Zhafira Berkah Abadi