ITPC Sydney News, Good morning ITPC Sydney partners! As part of the education program for Indonesian MSMEs regarding the IA CEPA and the Australian market, ITPC Sydney and the Indonesian Consulate General in Sydney collaborated with Bank Indonesia Beijing, holding an interactive talk show. (22/02/22)
Author: itpcadmin
Kolaborasi Webinar antara Rumah BUMN dan ITPC Sydney
Hi ITPC partners, kali ini Kepala ITPC Sydney, Ibu Ayu Siti Maryam berkesempatan menjadi pembicara pada webinar pelatihan ekspor ke Australia, yang mana kolaborasi antara ITPC Sydney dengan Rumah BUMN. Acara ini dalam rangka memberi informasi mengenai pangsa pasar Australia kepada pelaku usaha UMKM. (28/01/22) Bu Ayu menjelaskan tips and trik agar para UMKM dapat… Continue reading Kolaborasi Webinar antara Rumah BUMN dan ITPC Sydney
Coffee Discussion with the Indonesian Consul General in Sydney and Coffee Businesses in Australia
ITPC Sydney News. Hi ITPC Partners, located at the ITPC Sydney office, coffee diaspora business actors had a fun discussion and chat about coffee. This talk show was attended by the Indonesian Consul General in Sydney, Mr. Vedi Kurnia Buana (2/2/2022). This activity presents 5 business people including importers, roasters and cafe owners in Sydney… Continue reading Coffee Discussion with the Indonesian Consul General in Sydney and Coffee Businesses in Australia
Kick-off Meeting with Asian Australian Business Council
ITPC Sydney News! Hi ITPC Partners, to begin the year 2022, ITPC Sydney had discussions with the Asian Australian Business Council for our next collaboration function in ITPC Sydney office. This function will be a great opportunity to introduce and promote Indonesian products to AABC and PIT members. The function will be held on February,… Continue reading Kick-off Meeting with Asian Australian Business Council
Indonesian Coffee Cupping Session at ITPC Sydney Office
ITPC Sydney News, Hi ITPC Sydney partners, did you know that on average, Australians consume 1.96 kilograms of coffee per person in a year? In order to promote and introduce the taste of robusta and arabica coffee beans from Indonesia, ITPC Sydney held a coffee cupping session. This event was attended by roasters and coffee… Continue reading Indonesian Coffee Cupping Session at ITPC Sydney Office
Business Matching with Fruit Importer
ITPC Sydney News! Hi ITPC Sydney partners, in order to encourage exports and penetration of Indonesian products to Australia, ITPC Sydney held a business matching activity between Indonesian companies and potential Australian importers. The types of products demanded by importers are fruits and pottery. To facilitate this, the Director of ITPC Sydney, Ayu Siti Maryam… Continue reading Business Matching with Fruit Importer
UTS Global Studies Students Presentation Day
Hi ITPC Partners, the seven UTS faculty of Global Studies students have just done their final presentation on Indonesia product campaign at the ITPC Sydney office. After 12 weeks with more than 700 internship hours, this final presentation marks the end of their internship at ITPC Sydney. This program is one of the vital milestones… Continue reading UTS Global Studies Students Presentation Day
Penandatanganan MoU Antara Perusahaan Indonesia dan Australia
Hi ITPC Partners, The Directorate General of National Export of the Indonesia Ministry of Trade, Mr. Didi Sumedi, The Charge d’affaires of Indonesia to Australia, Mr. Muhammad Syarif Alatas. The Consul General of Indonesia to Victoria and Tasmania Mr. Kuncoro Waseso, The Trade AttachĂ© of Indonesia to Canberra Mr. Agung Wicaksono, the Director of ITPC… Continue reading Penandatanganan MoU Antara Perusahaan Indonesia dan Australia
Discussion with fruit importers
ITPC Sydney News! Hi ITPC Partners, in order to open up opportunities for access to the Indonesian fruit market to Australia, Director of ITPC Sydney, Ayu Siti Maryam accompanied by Deputy Director of ITPC Sydney, Anissa P Anindyani, visited one of the fruit importers in Sydney, Australia to approach and exploration of market opportunities for… Continue reading Discussion with fruit importers
Discussion between the Director of ITPC Sydney and the UTS Global Studies Students
Hi ITPC Partners, Director of ITPC Sydney, Ayu Siti Maryam held a sharing discussion with the Faculty of Global Studies students of the University of Sydney on how they can develop their business skills. Ms. Ayu said that she started to be intrested in international trade whilst studying International Law in University. The principles she… Continue reading Discussion between the Director of ITPC Sydney and the UTS Global Studies Students