ITPC Sydney New Location

We display a wide range of Indonesian best quality products at our gallery. We’d love to have you come and visit. We are open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. We look forward to welcoming you!

ITPC Sydney Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia presents Joint Outreach Program for Indonesia Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IACEPA)

ITPC Sydney Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia presents Joint Outreach Program for Indonesia Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IACEPA). Suported by the Indonesian Embassy Canberra and Consul General Heru Subolo and Indonesian Consulate Sydney team, opened by Ministry of Trade, Director General, both Ambassadors of Indonesia H.E. Y. Kristiarto S. Legowo and… Continue reading ITPC Sydney Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia presents Joint Outreach Program for Indonesia Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IACEPA)