Signing of MoU Between Indonesian and Australian Companies at Trade Expo Indonesia 2021

At the Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) 2021, the work area of ​​the Ministry of Trade in Australia made another achievement, where Indonesian exporters and Australian importers agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a total transaction of $108,944,500. Importers and exporters signing the MoU in TEI 2021 include N Brothers PTY LTD and… Continue reading Signing of MoU Between Indonesian and Australian Companies at Trade Expo Indonesia 2021

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The Indonesian Consul General for NSW, QLD and SA, Mr. Vedi Kurnia Buana visited the ITPC Sydney office

ITPC Sydney News. The Indonesian Consul General for NSW, QLD and SA, Mr. Vedi Kurnia Buana visited the ITPC Sydney office to attend the opening of the Trade Expo Indonesia Digital Edition 2021. The Director of ITPC Sydney, Ayu Siti Maryam, introduced Indonesian products in the ITPC Sydney gallery room to Mr. Vedi Kurnia Buana… Continue reading The Indonesian Consul General for NSW, QLD and SA, Mr. Vedi Kurnia Buana visited the ITPC Sydney office

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The Director of ITPC Sydney is a guest lecturer at the KKL Faculty of Law and Sharia, Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang

ITPC Sydney News October 6, 2021 The Director of ITPC Sydney is a guest lecturer at the KKL Faculty of Law and Sharia, Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang. On that occasion, Mrs. Ayu shared information about International Trade Law and also about the role of ITPC Sydney as an institution promoting Indonesian products in Australia.… Continue reading The Director of ITPC Sydney is a guest lecturer at the KKL Faculty of Law and Sharia, Walisongo State Islamic University, Semarang

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Lecturing Session with Consul General of Indonesia in Sydney, Vedi Kunia Buana

Hi ITPC Partners! In this lecturing session of the Indonesian Design Sustainable Studio collaboration between ITPC Sydney and UTS Faculty of Global Studies. We are delighted to have Pak Vedi Kurnia Buana, the Consul General of Indonesia for NSW, QLD and SA. He delivered a lecture on the socio-cultural relations between Indonesia and Australia. We… Continue reading Lecturing Session with Consul General of Indonesia in Sydney, Vedi Kunia Buana

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Lecturing Session with Chef William Wongso

Hi ITPC Partners, in today Indonesian Design Studio Session with UTS Faculty of Global Studies, we have Chef William Wongso one of Indonesia’s most famous culinary experts. We are thrilled to have him as our guest lecture. His well-renowned expertise is acknowledged worldwide. In 2001, he received the Chevalier dans I’Ordre National du Merite Award… Continue reading Lecturing Session with Chef William Wongso

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IndOz Conference 2021

On September 16, 2021, Synergy Indonesia Australia will hold the IndoOz Business Conference for the first time on a hybrid basis. This conference provides an opportunity for business people, investors, and policy makers to exchange information related to policies, lessons learned and best practices from business people from the two countries. Together with H.E. Den… Continue reading IndOz Conference 2021

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Lecturing Session with Regina Kindagen

Hi ITPC Partners, in today’s lecturing session of Indonesian Design Studio Program with UTS, Faculty of Global Studies, we have Regina Kindangen, CEO of Nancy Craft Co. and the member of HIMKI (Indonesian Furniture and Craft Industry Association). Regina Kindangen is the third generation of her family in their rattan handicrafts and furniture business. Established… Continue reading Lecturing Session with Regina Kindagen

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Capacity Building Regional Investor Relations Unit

Hello ITPC Partners! (Friday, 10 September 2021) One of the tasks of ITPC Sydney is to share knowledge about Australia so that prospective Indonesian exporters can get to know more about the Australian market, for that at the Bank Indonesia event “Capacity Building Regional Investor Relations Unit” which is aimed at Bank employees Indonesia (BI)… Continue reading Capacity Building Regional Investor Relations Unit

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ITPC Sydney Berbagi Informasi Potensi Ekspor Kopi ke Australia dalam Dialog Export Coffee Day yang Diinisiasi oleh Disperindag Jabar

[NEWS] During 2020, West Java coffee exports to Australia continued to increase until Australia was ranked second as the highest coffee export destination. . This was revealed in the “Export Coffee Day: Relaxing Chat with West Java Coffee, Exploring Potentials to Australia and Japan” which was initiated by the Industry and Trade Office of West… Continue reading ITPC Sydney Berbagi Informasi Potensi Ekspor Kopi ke Australia dalam Dialog Export Coffee Day yang Diinisiasi oleh Disperindag Jabar

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