ITPC Sydney presents private discussions between the RI Ambassador Canberra and business associations of various Indonesian industries

ITPC Sydney presents private discussions between the RI Ambassador Canberra and business associations of various Indonesian industries in light of IACEPA being formalised at the parliaments of both countries. Those associations namely Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia (GAIKINDO) and Gabungan Industri Alat-alat Mobil dan Motor (GIAM), and other automotive and parts manufacturing companies, and small to medium enterprise associations members. This is an effort by His Excellency Mr. Y. Kristiarto S. Legowo, as a delegation leader from Indonesian representative office in Australia, to inform about the opportunities of IACEPA and encourage the association to be prepare and take advantage of this trade agreement between the two countries. Trade Expo Indonesia 2019. 18 OCT 2019.