Hello Australia, We are PT. INDRACO GLOBAL INDONESIA! Beginning in 1971, producing and distributing coffee, INDRACO continues to advance and expand into advanced manufacturing facilities and distribution centers across Indonesia and Singapore. Specializing in coffee for over half a century, INDRACO aims to create an experience and evoke feelings within each touch point in our… Continue reading Company profile: PT. INDRACO GLOBAL INDONESIA
Author: itpcadmin
Webinar: Bedah Pasar Ekspor Produk Kerajinan Indonesia
Halo sobat ITPC Sydney!Ingin mengembangkan bisnis kerajinan Anda ke pasar internasional? Ikuti webinar seri ke-2 dari FTA Center Jakarta dan LPEM FEB UI dengan tema “Bedah Pasar Ekspor Produk Kerajinan Indonesia” Narasumber: 1. Christhophorus Barutu, Kepala ITPC Sydney Australia2. R.M. Dicky Farabi, Kepala ITPC Osaka Jepang3. Reandhy Putera Dharmawan, Kepala ITPC Busan Korea Selatan Moderator:… Continue reading Webinar: Bedah Pasar Ekspor Produk Kerajinan Indonesia
Halo sobat ITPC Sydney! Di minggu ke-3 dan 4 bulan Agustus 2023, ITPC Sydney mengadakan dan meghadiri berbagai kegiatan untuk mempromosikan perdagangan produk Indonesia di Australia. Pada tanggal 21 Agustus 2023, ITPC Sydney mengadakan pertemuan dengan pemilik Dutch Smuggler Coffee Shop, salah satu kedai kopi yang populer di Sydney. Pertemuan ini turut dihadiri oleh Konjen RI Sydney.… Continue reading JURNAL ITPC BULAN AGUSTUS 2023 Bagian 2
ITPC Sydney Goes to Melbourne International Coffee Expo 2023
Halo Sobat ITPC Sydney! ITPC Sydney kembali mengikuti Melbourne International Coffee Expo (MICE) 2023 dengan menggandeng empat eksportir kopi ndonesia. Masyarakat Australia sangat antusias dengan kehadiran produk-produk kopi Indonesia.Pada tahun ini ITPC Sydney memfasilitasi sebanyak 4 eksportir kopi nasional berpartisipasi dalam MICE, yaitu : PT. Daeng Tender Project Indonesia (Daengtender) PT. Trijaya Agro Lestari (TAL) PT.… Continue reading ITPC Sydney Goes to Melbourne International Coffee Expo 2023
Halo Sobat ITPC Sydney! Berikut adalah rangkuman kegiatan kami di minggu pertama dan kedua bulan Agustus 2023:Pada tanggal 2 Agustus 2023, ITPC Sydney menerima perwakilan dari Sydney Women Consular Club untuk membahas kolaborasi peningkatan produk Indonesia.Pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2023, ITPC Sydney berdiskusi dengan founder “Song for the Mute”, sebuah jenama busana asal Australia. Pertemuan ini… Continue reading JURNAL ITPC BULAN AGUSTUS 2023 Bagian 1
Company Profile: International Agro Tara Ltd (ITAGRO)
Hello Australia, We are International Agro Tara Ltd! International Agro Tara Ltd. is a company engaged in domestic and global trade based on processed coconut derivative products and several superior commodities from South Sumatra (Sumsel). With the vision of increasing South Sumatra’s competitiveness in the global market, International Agro Tara Ltd. creates a business ecosystem… Continue reading Company Profile: International Agro Tara Ltd (ITAGRO)
Company Profile: Mitra Dinamika Sejahtera
Hello Australia, We are Mitra Dinamika Sejahtera! PT. MDS is an abbreviation of Mitra Dinamika Sejahtera, which has a Social and Partnership Program by establishing the GENSA National Cooperative with an orientation focus on Assisting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Tourism, Domestic and International Marketing since 2000 until now. Many Indonesian products still need a… Continue reading Company Profile: Mitra Dinamika Sejahtera
Company Profile: LAGUNA GROUP
Hello Australia, We are Laguna Group! LAGUNA GROUP Founded in 2012, Laguna Group is an Australian company that owns a variety of integrated business groups that focus on Indonesian culture through its food and beverage business channels. With time, Laguna Group has increased and has multiple business units that operate in Trading, Imports, Wholesale, Retail,… Continue reading Company Profile: LAGUNA GROUP
Company Profile: Andalan Expor Indonesia (AExI)
Hello Australia, We are Andalan Expor Indonesia (AExI)! We have incorporated in exporthub.id, an e-commerce ecosystem that aims to bring local products to the global market (export). AeXI strives to provide end-to-end export solution services through an accelerator system by assisting professional search and purchase of superior commodity products in Indonesia to buyers globally. We… Continue reading Company Profile: Andalan Expor Indonesia (AExI)
Company Profile: Daengtender
Hello Australia, we are Daengtender! Daengtender is a coffee exporter based in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The beginning of the establishment of this company around 2020, when our business activities were providing consulting services for food beverages in the hospitality industry and providing beverage products (Coffee and other items for drinks) which was the forerunner to… Continue reading Company Profile: Daengtender