Amir Sudjono from Coco Sugar dropped by the ITPC Sydney office in Alexandria during his visit to Australia

Amir Sudjono from Coco Sugar dropped by the ITPC Sydney office in Alexandria during his visit to Australia. Coco Sugar is an Indonesian owned company that has produced organic coconut sugar in traditional ways, no preservatives added, comes in various taste that will suit your needs. Based in Central Java, Indonesia Coco Sugar exports its… Continue reading Amir Sudjono from Coco Sugar dropped by the ITPC Sydney office in Alexandria during his visit to Australia

ITPC Sydney meet with them to discuss promotion expansion strategies that is being done by Andamar in Australia

Andamar Group is distributor of premium coffee produced by PT Santos Indonesia, the famous Kapal Api is one of their brands. ITPC Sydney meet with them to discuss promotion expansion strategies that is being done by Andamar in Australia. ITPC Sydney also invites Andamar Group to participate in Indonesia Coffee Week which will be held… Continue reading ITPC Sydney meet with them to discuss promotion expansion strategies that is being done by Andamar in Australia

Following Up potential import opportunities of Indonesian goods to Australia

Director of ITPC Sydney, Ayu Siti Maryam met with Vice President of Livingstone International, Ivan Paulus, to follow up potential import opportunities of Indonesian goods to Australia. This is a follow meeting after several months of intense communication between ITPC Sydney and Livingstone International in determining which products and companies can be prospected. Livingstone International… Continue reading Following Up potential import opportunities of Indonesian goods to Australia

Consul General RI Sydney with Head of ITPC Sydney meeting and visiting Sakura Filter Pty Ltd.

Consul General RI Sydney with Head of ITPC Sydney meeting and visiting Sakura Filter Pty Ltd. This comapny is one of the biggest importers of indonesian automotive air filter to Australia. This meeting is an effort to get Sakura Filter to import other products besides filters from Indonesia, and also to personally invite its director… Continue reading Consul General RI Sydney with Head of ITPC Sydney meeting and visiting Sakura Filter Pty Ltd.

Agenda from the Indonesian Ministry of Trade’s working meeting

As one of the agendas from the Indonesian Ministry of Trade’s working meeting, ITPC Sydney is networking with PT Sritex Tbk. PT. Sri Rejeki Isman (Sritex) tbk is a textile and apparel manufacturing company which has exported to multiple countries. PT Sritex is known for supplying military uniforms to 30 nations, such as Germany, Netherlands,… Continue reading Agenda from the Indonesian Ministry of Trade’s working meeting