Indonesia Pavilion @ Fine Food Expo Australia 2018

FINE FOOD Australia is a trade fair for food, beverage and hospitality industry, as well as one of the most important fairs in Australia. 2018 FINE FOOD Australia has been held at Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Center, Melbourne, on 10th until 13th September

Sydney Build 2020 Expo Event Postponed

We’re sad to announce that Sydney Build 2020 Expo has been postponed. This decision was made after several considerations to help contain the spread of Covid-19.

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Trade Expo Indonesia 31st @Jakarta, Indonesia 2016

October 2016 As the largest and annual Indonesia’s Business-to-Business trade event, .With a total transaction value happened in the event reaching USD1.02 Billion, TEI 2016 brought positive outcomes for Indonesian goods exporters. ITPC Sydney facilitates some of the key Indonesian goods importers to Australia, which are looking for the opportunities to further develop their imported… Continue reading Trade Expo Indonesia 31st @Jakarta, Indonesia 2016

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Melbourne International Coffee Expo 2017

30 March – 1 April 2017 Indonesia Trade Promotion Centre (ITPC) Sydney and the Consulate of Republic Indonesia in Melbourne Participated at the Melbourne International Coffee Expo annual event.  ITPC Sydney will be inviting and facilitating Indonesian coffee exhibitors.  This was and still  is the biggest coffee exhibition in Australia and one of the biggest… Continue reading Melbourne International Coffee Expo 2017

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Australian International Tea Expo Melbourne 2017

March 2017 At the same date and venue as the Melbourne International Coffee Expo on 30 March – 1 April 2017, Australian International Tea Expo was held.  Indonesia Trade Promotion Centre (ITPC) Sydney and the Consulate of Republic Indonesia in Melbourne supported Bukit Sari tea plantation exhibiting their organic tea products. Bukit Sari organic tea… Continue reading Australian International Tea Expo Melbourne 2017

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Bekraf & ITPC Sydney @ CeBIT 2017 Sydney

Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy and Indonesian Trade Promotion Centre Sydney facilitated Indonesian Information Technology startups to exhibit their services at CeBIT 2017 at the International Convention Centre, Sydney.

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Round Table Investment Discussion @Shangri-La Hotel 2017 Sydney

July 2017 The official visit to Sydney of H.E. Kristiarto Legowo, the new ambassador of Indonesia to Australia, has been one of the highlight activities of ITPC Sydney for July 2017. ITPC Sydney, as one of the Indonesian government’s representatives in developing sustainable trades between Australia and Indonesia, welcome the arrival of the new ambassador on 18 July… Continue reading Round Table Investment Discussion @Shangri-La Hotel 2017 Sydney

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