ITPC Sydney partners, IA-CEPA makes it easier for Indonesian products to be exported to Australia by eliminating import tariffs for thousands of Indonesian products. In order to increase opportunities for Indonesian exporters to Australia, the Director of ITPC Sydney, Ayu Siti Maryam, facilitated mentoring for participants in the Export Coaching Program on Thursday, March 25,… Continue reading Accompanying SMEs in West Java Province, Director of ITPC Sydney Talk About Export Coaching
Category: Activities
Exploring the Services Sector Trade Opportunities in Australia
[ITPC Sydney – NEWS] ITPC Sydney partners, did you know that based on data from the Australian Department of Home Affairs for the period 2018-2019, the top three professions for skilled jobs for temporary residents of Australia are chefs, cooks and accountants? As for skill flow migration, the top three professions are software and application… Continue reading Exploring the Services Sector Trade Opportunities in Australia
Accelerating the use of IA CEPA for the automotive industry, the Government of Indonesia facilitates an MoU worth AUD 6 million
Sydney, 18 March 2021 – Located at the Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) Sydney, the Indonesian Ambassador to Australia and Vanuatu, Y. Kristiarto S. Legowo, accompanied by Plh. The Indonesian Consul General in Sydney, the Indonesian Trade Attaché for Canberra, and the Director of ITPC Sydney, witnessed the signing of the MoU between Business Auto… Continue reading Accelerating the use of IA CEPA for the automotive industry, the Government of Indonesia facilitates an MoU worth AUD 6 million
Targeting Australian Youth, ITPC Sydney Promotes Pertamina Lubricants Products
ITPC Sydney partners, Indonesia has been exporting not only raw materials, but also processed and manufactured products. One of Indonesia’s leading export manufacturers is Pertamina Lubricants. ITPC Sydney seeks to promote it to young Australians through the Inspiring Indonesia Talk Series on Monday, March 8, 2021. M. Taufiq Setyawan, Chief Representative of Pertamina Lubricants for… Continue reading Targeting Australian Youth, ITPC Sydney Promotes Pertamina Lubricants Products
Visiting Cedex Steel and Metals in Queensland, Indonesian Consul General in Sydney Accompanied by the Director of ITPC Sydney Strives to Increase Exports of Indonesian Iron and Steel Products to Australia
ITPC Sydney partners, quoting marketing theory from marketing expert Hermawan Kertajaya, “anxiety and desire” can be identified after we meet directly with business people. For this reason, ITPC Sydney is also intensifying visits to companies in Australia, because it is very important for us to see responses, complaints, and challenges, especially in the Covid-19 pandemic… Continue reading Visiting Cedex Steel and Metals in Queensland, Indonesian Consul General in Sydney Accompanied by the Director of ITPC Sydney Strives to Increase Exports of Indonesian Iron and Steel Products to Australia
IA-CEPA: It’s Time to Get to Know Your Neighbour Better
[ITPC Sydney – NEWS] ITPC Sydney partner, do you know why Australia needs to know us better? Indonesia holds a very strategic location and provide opportunity for business sectors in both countries, in addition to the implementation of Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) since 5 July 2020, which will provide Australian and Indonesian businesses… Continue reading IA-CEPA: It’s Time to Get to Know Your Neighbour Better
ITPC Sydney New Location
We display a wide range of Indonesian best quality products at our gallery. We’d love to have you come and visit. We are open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. We look forward to welcoming you!
Indonesia Trading House Australia (ITHA) Launch Event
We were pleased to have Indonesia Trading House Australia (ITHA) organising their launch event at our new office gallery! It was an exciting day to welcome all of the honoured guests to this launch event (25/11). ITHA is a registered private company in Australia that offers services for trade and investments acceleration between Indonesia and… Continue reading Indonesia Trading House Australia (ITHA) Launch Event
The Closing Ceremony of the 35th Virtual Edition of Trade Expo Indonesia
At the closing of the 35th Trade Expo Indonesia Virtual Exhibition (TEI VE) 2020, the Minister of Trade also appreciated the performance of the Foreign Trade Representatives who actively supported the implementation of TEI-VE 2020 through assisting buyers in finding Indonesian products, opening a helpdesk and holding business gatherings. The countries with the highest goods… Continue reading The Closing Ceremony of the 35th Virtual Edition of Trade Expo Indonesia
MoU for Kara Coconut
We were delighted to arrange the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for trade transaction in purpose to purchase Indonesian food products witnessed by The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia for Australia and Republic of Vanuatu, H.E. Kristiarto Legowo, Consul General of Republic Indonesia for New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia, Mr. Heru Subolo, Indonesian… Continue reading MoU for Kara Coconut