Kolaborasi Webinar antara Rumah BUMN dan ITPC Sydney

Hi ITPC partners, kali ini Kepala ITPC Sydney, Ibu Ayu Siti Maryam berkesempatan menjadi pembicara pada webinar pelatihan ekspor ke Australia, yang mana kolaborasi antara ITPC Sydney dengan Rumah BUMN. Acara ini dalam rangka memberi informasi mengenai pangsa pasar Australia kepada pelaku usaha UMKM. (28/01/22) Bu Ayu menjelaskan tips and trik agar para UMKM dapat… Continue reading Kolaborasi Webinar antara Rumah BUMN dan ITPC Sydney

Coffee Discussion with the Indonesian Consul General in Sydney and Coffee Businesses in Australia

ITPC Sydney News. Hi ITPC Partners, located at the ITPC Sydney office, coffee diaspora business actors had a fun discussion and chat about coffee. This talk show was attended by the Indonesian Consul General in Sydney, Mr. Vedi Kurnia Buana (2/2/2022). This activity presents 5 business people including importers, roasters and cafe owners in Sydney… Continue reading Coffee Discussion with the Indonesian Consul General in Sydney and Coffee Businesses in Australia

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Penandatanganan MoU Antara Perusahaan Indonesia dan Australia

Hi ITPC Partners, The Directorate General of National Export of the Indonesia Ministry of Trade, Mr. Didi Sumedi, The Charge d’affaires of Indonesia to Australia, Mr. Muhammad Syarif Alatas. The Consul General of Indonesia to Victoria and Tasmania Mr. Kuncoro Waseso, The Trade Attaché of Indonesia to Canberra Mr. Agung Wicaksono, the Director of ITPC… Continue reading Penandatanganan MoU Antara Perusahaan Indonesia dan Australia

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Discussion between the Director of ITPC Sydney and the UTS Global Studies Students

Hi ITPC Partners, Director of ITPC Sydney, Ayu Siti Maryam held a sharing discussion with the Faculty of Global Studies students of the University of Sydney on how they can develop their business skills. Ms. Ayu said that she started to be intrested in international trade whilst studying International Law in University. The principles she… Continue reading Discussion between the Director of ITPC Sydney and the UTS Global Studies Students

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ITPC Sydney Berbagi Informasi Potensi Ekspor Kopi ke Australia dalam Dialog Export Coffee Day yang Diinisiasi oleh Disperindag Jabar

[NEWS] During 2020, West Java coffee exports to Australia continued to increase until Australia was ranked second as the highest coffee export destination. . This was revealed in the “Export Coffee Day: Relaxing Chat with West Java Coffee, Exploring Potentials to Australia and Japan” which was initiated by the Industry and Trade Office of West… Continue reading ITPC Sydney Berbagi Informasi Potensi Ekspor Kopi ke Australia dalam Dialog Export Coffee Day yang Diinisiasi oleh Disperindag Jabar

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MoU signing between the Directorate General of National Export Development – Ministry of Trade and the University of Technology Sydney

ITPC Sydney NEWS (15/6) — Deputy Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, Jerry Sambuaga, witnessed the signing of the MoU between the Directorate General of National Export Development – Ministry of Trade and the University of Technology Sydney on teaching, learning and research on the marketing of Indonesian products. The ceremony was carried… Continue reading MoU signing between the Directorate General of National Export Development – Ministry of Trade and the University of Technology Sydney

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Business meeting between Praline Holdings (Australia) and PT Quindofood (Indonesia)

Glad to see that two companies found solutions! We facilitated a virtual business meeting between Praline Holdings (Australia) and PT Quindofood (Indonesia) in seeking a mutual product requirement understanding (27/11). During this meeting, we assisted these two companies in resolving issues to achieve better outcomes. As a result, both companies were satisfied, having filled-in the… Continue reading Business meeting between Praline Holdings (Australia) and PT Quindofood (Indonesia)

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UMKM Indonesia Bangkit – Bersama BRI focusing on Tips UMKM Masuk Pasar Ekspor

We were honoured to be invited as a keynote speaker at “UMKM Indonesia Bangkit – Bersama BRI focusing on Tips UMKM Masuk Pasar Ekspor” held by Bank BRI. This virtual event via zoom took place at 9am- 11am Indonesian Time (17/11). We shared tips and tricks how to penetrate the Australian market which can be… Continue reading UMKM Indonesia Bangkit – Bersama BRI focusing on Tips UMKM Masuk Pasar Ekspor

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Travel Restriction for Foreign Visitor

The Indonesian Government updates Australian Import Regulations relating to the travel restriction for foreigner visitors and stay permits for foreigners staying in Indonesia through Australian Import Regulation of Minister of Law and Human Rights Number 11 of 2020. This update is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which is increasingly widespread.

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Why the ICS is Developed?

All process of customs procedures run electronically through ICS. Here we go deeply into what the ICS is. The ICS is a stable system, is showing good functionality and is performing reliably. The ICS offers substantial benefits over the legacy systems it replaces. It is integrated, well structured, it is based on high integrity data… Continue reading Why the ICS is Developed?

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