IA-CEPA Agreements

Here you can locate the full text of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and
associated documents.

Preamble | [PDF 278 KB]

  1. Initial Provisions and General Definitions | [PDF 135 KB]
  2. Trade in Goods | [PDF 210 KB]
  3. Non-Tariff Measures | [PDF 315 KB]
  4. Rules of Origin | [PDF 338 KB]
    This Chapter includes the following Annexes:
    • Annex 4-A: Procedures for Issuing Certificates of Origin
    • Appendix 4-A.1: List of Data Requirements
    • Annex 4-B: Procedures for Making Declarations of Origin
  5. Customs Procedures | [PDF 144 KB]
  6. Trade Facilitation | [PDF 123 KB]
  7. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | [PDF 131 KB]
  8. Technical Barriers to Trade | [PDF 231 KB]
  9. Trade in Services | [PDF 355 KB]
    This Chapter includes the following Annex:
    • Annex 9-A: Professional Services
  10. Financial Services | [PDF 175 KB]
    This Chapter includes the following Annex:
    • Annex 10-A: Authorities Responsible for Financial Services
  11. Telecommunications | [PDF 371 KB]
  12. Movement of Natural Persons (MNP) | [PDF 121 KB]
    This Chapter includes the following Party-specific Annexes:
    • Annex 12-A: Australia's Schedule of MNP Commitments| [PDF 382 KB]
    • Annex 12-A: Indonesia's Schedule of MNP Commitments | [PDF 361 KB]
  13. Electronic Commerce| [PDF 147 KB]
  14. Investment | [PDF 632 KB]
    This Chapter includes the following Annexes:
    • Annex-14-A: Code of Conduct of Arbitrators
    • Annex 14-B: Expropriation and Compensation
    • href="/trade/agreements/not-yet-in-force/iacepa/iacepa-text/Pages/iacepa-chapter-14-investment.aspx#annex-14c">Annex 14-C: Foreign Investment Policy
    • href="/trade/agreements/not-yet-in-force/iacepa/iacepa-text/Pages/iacepa-chapter-14-investment.aspx#annex-14d">Annex 14-D: Public Debt
  15. Economic Cooperation | [PDF 120 KB]
  16. Competition | [PDF 131 KB]
  17. General Provisions and Exceptions | [PDF 167 KB]
  18. Institutional Provisions | [PDF 119 KB]
  19. Transparency | [PDF 115 KB]
  20. >Consultations and Dispute Settlement | [PDF 185 KB]
    This Chapter includes the following Annexes:
  21. Final Provisions| [PDF 376 KB]

Annexes to IA-CEPA

Annex 2-A:

Annex 4-C:

  • Headnote to Product-Specific Rules of Origin | [PDF 133 KB]
  • Product-Specific Rules of Origin Schedule [XLSX 396 KB] | [PDF 3.63 KB]

Annex I (Services and Investment):

Annex II (Services and Investment):

Associated documents